HR Policies and Employment Legislation


Policies and procedures communicate the values of your organization and provide everyone with a consistent process to follow.  It is important that employers understand and comply with applicable employment laws. The HR policies and practices that your organization uses must reflect the local laws and regulations around each issue.

It is very important to support intentions with policies and procedures. In this section of the HR Toolkit you'll find information to help you develop HR policies and procedures as well as understand your baseline employment obligations as outlined in employment legislation. Employment legislation varies between provinces and territories. Always ensure that your policies and procedure meet local requirements. 

In this section:

·         Developing HR policies [link to content below in new pg 2.1]

·         Sample policies on common HR topics [link to content below in new pg 2.2]

·         Employment legislation and standards [link to content below in new pg 2.3]

·         Human rights legislation [link to content below in new pg 2.4]

·         Health and safety legislation [link to content below in new pg 2.5]

·         HR in a unionized workplace [link to content below in new pg 2.6]

·         Leaves of absence [link to content below in new pg 2.7]