Projects & Publications


This information was last updated on February 1, 2013 prior to the CCHRSC’s dissolution. For more information, please see the message from the Board

Our projects produced research and developed strategies and tools to meet the needs of the child care workforce and achieve related goals. Click on the titles of our projects for more information.

Think about all the people that you come into contact with in your work life: colleagues, board members and other volunteers, clients, the general public and so on. With this large network of people connected to your organization, learning how to work well together is vital.

About the CCHRSC Trust

The board of directors has taken steps to ensure that access to CCHRSC resources, reports, analysis and data will continue to be available to the sector and others after operations cease in mid-2013.

When to use the Trust

An annual report provides a comprehensive overview of an organization’s activities and financial operations each year. The reports below provide a detailed look at CCHRSC’s activities over the past ten years. Click on any of the reports for more information.

Strategic HR planning links HR management directly to the strategic plan of your organization.

Rory Magill: Cook, Andrew Fleck Child Care Centre (downtown program), Ottawa, Ontario

Lunch at the Andrew Fleck Child Care Centre can feature anything from an Ethiopian feast of chicken stew (doro wat) with flat sourdough bread (injera), to a simpler macaroni and cheese.

Human rights legislation is put in place to protect people from discrimination. It seeks to guarantee people equal treatment regardless of a particular identity or historical oppression in relation to employment, offers of employment and in other instances not related to employment.

Lee Tysowski, Owner
Sing a Rainbow Preschool
Regina, Saskatchewan

In Spring 2000, Lee Tysowski’s dream came true. After years of working with young children and with a newly completed ECE certificate, she became the owner of a preschool centre.
