Projects & Publications


This information was last updated on February 1, 2013 prior to the CCHRSC’s dissolution. For more information, please see the message from the Board

Our projects produced research and developed strategies and tools to meet the needs of the child care workforce and achieve related goals. Click on the titles of our projects for more information.

The board is responsible for hiring an executive director to ensure there is a skilled manager at the helm to implement the organization's mission and vision. In this section, you will find information geared specifically for board members to address the unique considerations of hiring an executive director.

Think about all the people that you come into contact with in your work life: colleagues, board members and other volunteers, clients, the general public and so on. With this large network of people connected to your organization, learning how to work well together is vital.

Joanne Murrell, Project Coordinator
Corvette Early Years, a Toronto First Duty site
Toronto, ON

Joanne Murrell is a self-styled keener who several years ago jumped into one of the most innovative early learning and child care programs around.

The CCHRSC office will close on February 6, 2013. As of March 2013, sector councils will no longer receive operating funds from the federal government (HRSDC's Sector Council Program). As it is not possible to continue the CCHRSC without compromising the standard and caliber of work produced, the CCHRSC Board has made the difficult decision to dissolve the organization at that time. 

Assiniboine Community College, Brandon
ECE Program:
Early Childhood Education Diploma – 2 years
Prerequisite: High School Diploma

Human Resources Program:
Early Childhood Program Management Post-Diploma Certificate (Part-time via Distance Delivery)
Prerequisite: ECE Diploma
