Projects & Publications


This information was last updated on February 1, 2013 prior to the CCHRSC’s dissolution. For more information, please see the message from the Board

Our projects produced research and developed strategies and tools to meet the needs of the child care workforce and achieve related goals. Click on the titles of our projects for more information.

This section is most useful to those who are just beginning to develop policies and those who are reviewing and updating existing policies.

CCHRSC Resources

CCHRSC has a number of resources and tools that are useful for ECE post-secondary faculty:

Despite the daily onslaughts of e-mails, phone calls and memos, meetings are still one of the most effective ways that people share and exchange information, get feedback, plan, collaborate and make important decisions for their organizations. 



The following credentials are accepted as equivalent:

HR Planning and Infrastructure

A skilled and competent child care workforce is critical to providing high quality child care that benefits children’s early development and learning. The challenge for the sector is to increase the skills and education of the child care workforce to improve the quality of early learning and care that children experience.
