Projects & Publications


This information was last updated on February 1, 2013 prior to the CCHRSC’s dissolution. For more information, please see the message from the Board

Our projects produced research and developed strategies and tools to meet the needs of the child care workforce and achieve related goals. Click on the titles of our projects for more information.

This information was last updated on February 1, 2013 prior to the CCHRSC’s dissolution. For more information, please see the message from the Board

What is Credentialing & Certification?

Child care organizations are complex. Early childhood educators form collaborative partnerships with children’s families that honour their role as the child’s primary caregiver, respect their parenting practices, and provide meaningful opportunities for families to determine their children’s early learning and care experiences.

Karla Baxter-Vincent: Coordinator-Instructor for the Early Childhood Education (ECE) program, New Brunswick Community College-Saint John

Surveys collecting information about employee compensation, including salary and benefits, are commonly called salary surveys. Salary surveys are conducted with numerous employers to determine pay levels for specific job categories and are generally conducted either by region, sector or job classification for the purposes of comparability.


Applicants for Level One Classification provide proof of completion of course work inclusive of three post-secondary courses in the following subject areas:

Child Development
